Our Femly

Roderick Richards-Bethea aka RRBNemesis

CEO, Founder, Streamer

Meet Roderick

For the past year and a half, Roderick has been dedicated to trying to make a name for himself and building the stream team that he wanted. He aims to make his streams a place where everyone feels safe and have a positive community on the platform.

Prior to streaming and his move to social media, Roderick was working in his uncle’s warehouse at Merrill’s Packaging Inc in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Roderick is a devoted husband and friend to those who are friends with him. He makes sure that everyone is doing ok and is always willing to talk with them during streams or off streams about whatever is going on in their life.

Stephanie Low

Photographer and Co-founder

Meet Stephanie

Stephanie is RRBNemsis’s wife and has had a love for photography since 2014. She first discovered this new hobby when photographing Lake Tahoe. It was through this trip and her recent trip to Japan, that she discovered a love for nature and street photography. She also loves to scrapbook, which works out perfectly because to scrapbook, you have to have photos.

When she’s not editing photos, you can find her playing with their border collie, Athena, or watching cooking shows or football hoping her fantasy football team performs well enough for a victory.

She will be the main photographer for RRBNemesis showcasing his talents, passions, laughs and memories. So come join us as we continue on this journey!

Htar aka Lingpookie

RRBNemesis’s Manager and Co-founder

Meet Htar

Htar is the newest member of the team and the one who has made the biggest impact so far. She is RRBNemesis’s Manager and one of the founding members of the team.

Even though she has been with us for only a few months, Htar has helped RRBNemesis keep on track and make sure that he takes time off to focus on his health.

She is like a daughter to Roderick and Stephanie when she sees that he’s feeling down she cheers him up with her positive outlook on life, but it’s not just Roderick she does that too, it’s everyone who meets her.

Htar may be the youngest member of the team, but she brings the positivity and passion to drive the team forward to reaching our goals.

3-year anniversary dinner

Quotes from the Family

“No matter where you are or what happened in the past this family doesn’t quit on each other.”

Roderick Richards-Bethea

“Gathering together as a family helps makes memories that leave a lasting impact on your life”

Stephanie Low

The femly has given me a chance to have a group of loving and supportive friends who treat each other like family”

— Htar

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Play Video Valorant kills 9/18/23-9/22/23 kills from last weeks matches.

♬ original sound – RRBNemesis – RRBNemesis

monthly newsletter

we want to keep you in the loop with what our family has planned each month and what has happened in the previous month.

– RRBNemesis

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